Friday. Saturday. Sunday.

This post takes place May 10th – 12th.

Friday. The weather was hot, 90 degrees and pure sunshine.

I took the day off from work. I had a massage in the morning which was more than needed. Next, a pedicure which was just as necessary. The amount I neglect my body is unacceptable We had prepared Lincoln for weeks that we would be having a date night because they’re so rare. He chose his Aunt to watch him. We haven’t had a date night that I can remember that he didn’t throw up while we were away. The inevitable call or text comes in that he’d gotten sick. He works himself up, he hates falling asleep without his dad or I there. What’s more true is that he gets spoiled with treats when we’re not watching him and it leads to him not feeling good. Lincoln cried when I left but the evening went on without the usual disaster! Hopefully that will make things easier next date night, whenever that will be. Date night consisted of dinner, drinks and Pearl Jam!

The concert: Our seats were high up. When I purchased tickets I was thinking there would be TVs around the arena so it wouldn’t make much of a difference where we were sitting. That’s how it so often works but unfortunately I was wrong. There was only the stage and a massive screen behind it. It was nearly impossible to sit in my seat for 2 1/2 hours. I needed to rock out! Also due to how high up we were, the sound was drowned out and words were mumbled (even considering Eddie Vedder is mumbly anyway.) The band played until Midnight. We got our moneys worth but I was exhausted! Who stays up that late?! They didn’t come on until 9:00 or so. I thought the show started at 7. Had I known that was going to happen I would have showed up later and took a nap first. I was a bit worried that I’d leave disappointed because they’ve been around for so long and many bands continue performing long after their expiration date. Despite the aforementioned, I was anything but disappointed. It was honestly the best concert I’ve ever been too. Although, they didn’t play “Black” and that would have meant so much to my husband and I. I’ve been following their setlist for shows since and they’ve played that song at nearly every one. It would have been amazing to hear them perform it live. We caught them at their second or third show of the tour so I think it worked out to our benefit seeing them fresh. The cherry on top was that Lincoln slept in until 8(ish) the next morning. I don’t think that’s ever happened before!

I was bummed to learn the next morning that we missed the Northern Lights. Everyone was posting pictures on their social media accounts. We tried to catch them that night (Saturday) but were unsuccessful.

Saturday. The weather was still gorgeous, slightly cooler. I set up the playroom but mostly hung around the house. There’s always something to do around the house…

Sunday. Mother’s Day. I woke up on the couch. Lincoln had a rough night in his own room and the three of us can’t sleep an entire night in our queen bed together. I can actually sleep when I’m on the couch (versus my husband who can’t get comfortable.) So when nights like that happen I don’t mind taking one for the team. Lincoln talked about how his dad snored throughout the night. He said, “What the heck!” I laughed because, yeah buddy, I get it! We were all a bit moody from the nights rest (or should I say lack thereof). We wanted to buy some hanging baskets for the yard so we drove out to a nursery (garden center) that was crazy busy. We’d gone the prior year as well. On the way we decided to have brunch which was a disaster. We were forgot about (or something because there was no obvious reason) and hardly received any service at all. It will be a long time before we go back there, if ever. In the evening we wound down the weekend at the park. It was another beautiful day and we’d recently got Lincoln a t-ball set that he wanted to try out. His attention span is garbage and he ended up spending more time running over to play at the playground area, which was just as well. While we were there we found out that Nick’s coworkers teenage daughter had committed suicide. Heartbreaking.

In the first photo, we were having cocktails outside of the Moda Center, which you can see behind us. The bar is called Dr. Jack’s. It is located in the courtyard of the arena. We were excited, anticipating the show ahead.

In the second and third photos, this screen was behind the band on stage. While waiting for the encore, handwriting appeared on the screen. “Keep Portland Weird” is a thing here, like a motto or slogan. There is an (unspoken?) rivalry between Portland and Seattle. Pearl Jam formed in Seattle. I personally love when artists get political. I think celebrities hold a lot of value and they’re opinions can influence others. I, too, would like stricter gun laws in this country and less laws controlling women.

The fourth photo we took during the encore. Even Flow was playing (I think) and the feeling in the room was indescribable. Everyone was singing the lyrics. There is something that happens during concerts where you feel pure joy in your body and connected to every single person as were all witnessing the same thing together.

Picture 5 – the set list from the show.

Tribute to Tom Petty while playing the guitar Petty gave him.

Katie 🤘🏻

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