
In mid-December there were two separate events that occurred in my life that shook me. Both events involved people that needed me. Both events put me in a situation that I wasn’t fully prepared for. Both events were completely different but both left me feeling like the person on the other end didn’t nurture my feelings in the same way that I was expected to nurture theirs. Both events forced me to exert clear boundaries. One relationship was negatively affected by my boundaries, the other is yet to be determined but it certainly is in a better state than the aforementioned.

Setting boundaries can be really lonely. I have lost a lot of relationships because of them. The point of my post today is that I am observing in my life that I give far more than I receive. This is not a new observation but it must be coming to a head for me because I am feeling consistently depleted. I think these two events really opened my eyes in a way that woke me up. My days end most often feeling like I did “whatever” today and got nothing out of it. I’m frequently wondering why I made “whatever” decision because that decision wasn’t in my best interest. I think I’m at a turning point. I need to take a break from giving! #clutchpearls

Going forward I know that I need to make time for me and insist that I spend more time on myself, whatever that may be. I went by myself in February to a “Gong Meditation” and greatly enjoyed that. I have a “Sound Bath” scheduled for this weekend. I meditated a lot before I got pregnant and found it to be a positive practice for me. I have been wanting to completely eliminate drinking from my life but have been unsuccessful. I enjoy it! My goal is to conquer it once and for all by age 40. I think showing myself that I have the strength to do that when it’s a personal choice (versus a forced need) is a really important gift I can offer myself. Alcohol is so awful for all of our health, I hate that it is so fun to drink! I also love to read books and write my blog, obviously. I should spend time doing both of those things more! My body is telling me that I can no longer put myself aside. It is time for me to make an investment in myself and I need to begin taking steps towards putting effort into my own well-being.

I also think I need to actively work on saying no and not caving in due to feelings of obligation or with the hopes that it will be worthwhile in the end. I am comfortable setting boundaries and am willing to take the risk that comes with that. I can also recognize that it takes me a lot before I set those boundaries. By the time I set a boundary, my patience has run out and there is no other way through. This doesn’t necessarily apply to the two events I’ve been referring to but in more common circumstances I can recognize this. I could offer a dozen examples of times in my life when I should have just said no because it served me zero to say yes! Here’s one:

I can offer a lot of grace to myself as to how I’ve gotten to this point of depletion. I think I’ve lost myself over time. Life can force us to focus too much on surviving depending on the choices we make and the circumstances were given. Life can, and should, be more than just survival. I’ve said it before, I owe it to my son to offer him a great life and that includes me being the best parent I can be. Right now that is by trying to put myself first more often. He’ll be in Kindergarten in the fall. He’s 5 now. I have a supportive husband. I need to make some real changes. I just hope I can!


8 thoughts on “Depleted

  1. Perhaps the positive payback will come to your son or your husband someday, somehow, Katie. One never knows in this life of ours. Sorry to hear you are feeling depleted by too many situations that seem all give and no receive.

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  2. Ab says:

    I’m very sorry for the rough moments you’ve had the past while, Katie. It sounds like you learned a valuable lesson about boundaries. I agree that it’s so important to set boundaries and to recognize your value and worth in a relationship especially when it’s one sided.

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  3. petespringerauthor says:

    The best friendships are when two people put an equal amount of effort into keeping them going. When things get out of balance (e.g. One friend puts in 95% of the energy and other puts in 5%), that’s the time to cut one’s losses. If the relationship isn’t reciprocal, it’s probably time to move on.

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  4. As someone who has put others in front of himself for far too long, I can say that the effort it worth it, and you can do it. And you will be far, far happier once you do. It’s like any other habit – sometimes it takes time to build to it, but once you do, it becomes a lot easier. Good luck and hang in there! 😊

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